10 Anti-Aging Hacks by DR. PERRICONE
Look younger with these 10 simple steps!

Dr. Perricone has to deal with the question of what can be done against skin aging on a daily basis. Not only in his New York practice, but also as a world-renowned expert on healthy ageing. And that's exactly why we asked him what else to look out for in addition to targeted skin care. The result is 10 basic lifestyle hacks, which the dermatologist also preaches to his prominent customers...
1. Nutrition is always visible!
"Food can be inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Avoid pro-inflammatory foods - these promote wrinkles, a variety of diseases, accelerate aging and cause the storage of body fat. Pro-inflammatory foods are sugary and starchy foods that manifest themselves on the skin as a loss of radiance, dark circles under the eyes, lack of radiance, puffiness, an increase in fine lines and wrinkles, loss of facial contours and enlarged pores. All these foods can also aggravate acne, which is also a systemic inflammatory disease. I don't exaggerate when I say that consuming sugar, for example, can deprive you of youth, health and beauty."
2. Proteins are a fountain of youth!
"A protein deficiency in the body is first always noticeable in the face, because the contours become softer. The whole facial definition, the contoured cheekbones and the jaw line become blurred. Because if the supply of proteins is missing, the body is forced to feed itself. This leads to overexploitation of tissue and muscles.
Protein cannot be stored in the body. And since it is important for the repair of cells, the days when not enough proteins are on the diet are the days when aging is accelerated. Avoid sugary and starchy foods that accelerate aging in all organs, including the skin. Eat plenty of protein for cell repair. High quality protein found in fish, shellfish, poultry, organic beef, lamb and tofu. In general, women often don't eat enough protein - a problem that usually doesn't occur in men. This is one reason why men often look younger than women of the same age."
3. No fear of fat!
"Healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and improve skin moisture, texture, suppleness and suppleness

4.Water works against inflammation!
"Always remember: water is vital. Without water, organs and cells cannot function. Of course you don't have to overdo it - but if you don't drink water, the body can neither metabolise fat nor detoxify the cells. And a dehydrated body also provokes the development of inflammatory compounds. Water has strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps the skin to be radiant, soft and supple - the main difference between a grape and raisins is known to be: "Water".
5. Sun makes sense!
"We all need some sun to stimulate the body's own vitamin D production and to keep bones strong and healthy. But 'frying' in the sun has clear effects, such as loss of elasticity, thinning skin, wrinkles, dryness, destroyed capillaries, freckles, moles, hyperpigmentation or even skin cancer.
6. No stress, please!
"Stress contributes to many negative effects, including hormonal changes in the body that can alter the function of cells in vital organs. Ultimately, these effects are always reflected in the texture of the skin".
7. Multifactor smoking!
"Smoking is a major risk factor, not only for lung diseases and cancer, but also for heart attacks, strokes and heart failure. Smoking a single cigarette, passive or chronic smoking simply leads to stiffer arteries - the main cause of heart disease. And as a dermatologist, I can confirm that smoking always leads to wrinkles and leathery skin."

8. Alcohol is damaging!
"It is generally thought that alcohol is bad for the skin because it dries the body. And mistakenly assume that an increase in water absorption counteracts the problem. However, alcohol is an inflammatory trigger, which causes far more damage than drying out."
9. Sleep is a beauty treatment!
"Laboratory tests on healthy young adults exposed to sleep deprivation showed significant changes in glucose metabolism including reduced glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. The neuroendocrine system, which regulates appetite, was also negatively affected - leading to cravings for fat- and carbohydrate-rich foods and promoting weight gain. This gives a new meaning to the term "beauty sleep" as we have long known that our cells repair themselves during sleep, resulting in smoother, more radiant skin. If we don't get enough sleep, the skin becomes pale, puffy and wrinkled. The entire body loses firmness."
10. Movement brings the Glow!
"There are mountains of studies that prove that exercise can melt pounds, reduce heart disease, lower blood pressure, improve mood, solve sleep problems, and even reduce the risk of certain cancers. This also ensures that you have beautiful skin. Studies have shown that skin movement benefits in the same way as improving bone and muscle quality. Without regular activity, bones become fragile and muscles atrophy. When the skin of those who exercise regularly is examined under the microscope, the influence is clearly visible. The skin is thicker and has more and healthier collagen. And collagen is the fibre that gives the skin its strength and flexibility. Exercise increases blood circulation and gives the skin a healthy and radiant shine. Of course one should not exaggerate, but every kind of movement has a strong, positive and anti-inflammatory effect on all